Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Just how much electricity would be saved if the Google background were black instead of white? Find out. Go to where Heap Media created a Google Custom Search to keep track. According to some numbers it is approx. 756 mega watts/hour per year would be saved. Blackle saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. The whole thing started back in January when a blog post titled Black Google Would Save 750 Megawatt-hours a Year proposed the theory that a black version of the Google search engine would save a fair bit of energy due to Googles widespread popularity. There has been much debate about the potential savings of the site and the folks at Heap Media figured that even though it may be small, every savings add up. Taking it a step further and making your home site can serve as a gentle reminder to conserve energy in the small things.

1 comment:

admin said...

There's also the Carbon Neutral Search Engine it uses Google Custom Search but offsets a minimum of 100g of CO2 per search